Sunday 31 August 2008

Out and about in Utah

BYU Womens Football Game
We took the kids to see the game. We got the kids some game t shirts which they can wear again to other games. I wasn't that excited cos I remember a town match Rob and I attended when we were 'dating' (carol knows!!) It was the middle of november which really should have sent up a red flag but no I did not think of the bitter cold. I wore 2 coats and lots of clothes thinking It'd be fine I ended up freezing my nuts off for 90 minutes!! However this game was in the high 90's with pop corn and hotdogs. And them girls can shift. Stu was in perv heaven. Nothing better than good food, football and girls. Bonus when its the girls playing!! So it was a fab evening. I even asked stu if we could go again. His answer was a very obvious yes!!
On Saturday we went to south ogden to a kids water park. Its a bit like the smaller kids parks in england with a slide swing etc but instead of those its a park with water jets coming out of the ground with water cannons and big overhead buckets that dump tonnes of water on you. It was free to go and the kids loved it.

Lucas and Elias
Stu got wet too!


Carol said...

Looks like you're having lots of fun honey.

Some of my best friends live right by that splash park in Ogden, they just blogged about it too. Spooky.

The Rogers Blog said...

that isweird. We did loveit. Will go again with you guys if you visit in the good weather

Heidi Cook said...

These pictures a great, brill to see kids enjoying themselves so much.

makes me pine for you all

Love you X