Friday 29 August 2008

Our Appartment

So plenty of you have been asking me to send pics of our appartment so you can visualise where we are now so here goes.
This is our block. The top appartment that you can see is infact ours!!
We have a park just by our appartment but another huge one down the road with mountains and duck pond ultimate frisby bases. Only in Utah!!
These are the mountains that you can see from our appartment but depending on where you which ways you look you can see the whole range practically! The Black Ford Expedition is our new vehicle. It feels like I'm driving a tank and its about 3 foot taller than I am!
Our front door. Its really turning into a virtual tour hugh!!

1 comment:

Carol said...

Oh my goodness you car is humungous. You could fit a family of Mexicans in the back no problem.