Wednesday 6 August 2008

The Horrors of House Hunting!!

So yesterday we awoke to a brand new day in America and decided that the first thing we needed to do was hot foot it to our new appartment and see how big it was so we could go choose new furniture to put into it. Excited doesn't describe how giddy I was even tho we had just stepped off a plane the night before, were jet lagged and totally sleep deprived. But you know when you just wannna get going and achieve lots in a day so off we went to provo from Layton. We arrived at our rather dubious looking destination and wondered wether we had stepped into beirut or rather arussian communist concrete monstrosity. Our appartment was in a quardangle with a lawn in the middle with a kids play area. Every balcony was jammed full of bikes and clothes and crap actually. So much for my rather nieve idea of opening out the patio doors every morning to let the kids play our dooors in the sunshine without actually having to be out dooors or having a romatic meal with my true love on the varanda of an evening. So the appartment. I figured it must be an improvement but oh no!! i walked in to a gloomy room that reminded me of a prison cell. No kidding! Painted breezblock walls, too high windows so you couln't see out and most of the bedrooms I could stretch my arms out and touch all the walls. So much for letting my kids share!! Don't get me started on the bathroom but it reminded me of Carols bathroom in york where there was a trail of pubes every morning form he bathroom to the living room carpet!! The kitchen was pre war. Which war you may ask parhaps 2 but I'd place bets on 1 and I'm pretty sure I'd be write!! It was a shocker to see such awful conditions but let me tell you that this place was worse than all the monstrosities that we saw when Carol and i went house hunting in lovelly huds! So that very same day we went appartment hunting and found a gorgeous one thats only 5 mins form campus. so glad and is only a tiny bit more that we were paying but plus utilities. But who cares I need my sanity right? Will keep y'all posted on our move. Love you all xxx


Carol said...

Yay you blogged! Oh goodness so glad you found some place nicer. Thanks for the reminder on the pubes situation in York. I'd like to clraify that they were most liely not mine but my house mates. It just didn't paint me in a good light love.

Take pics of your new pad I wanna see!!! Excited to see everything.

Andie said...

Yeah, I thought that Carol :) Eyw!

Fantastic you've been able to get somewhere else sorted so quickly - an experience you can forget quickly now!

Hope you get setted in quickly, and yeah, deff post up some piccys of your new crib.